Friday, March 11, 2011

SSTV 30! Heartbreak Made Me A Killer

Short Stack TV .. been a while since a new ep right?! and *drum roll* episode 30 is out!
The boys are in Cambodia for their Heartbreak video (under) still as funny as ever in a new country !

Short Stack's new music video Heartbreak Made Me A Killer is FINALLY out! watch it here!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My views....
Short Stack I consider my Australian Jonas Brothers they have a bit in commen...

Rolling Stone magazines...

getting slimed...

Gold albums..

And lets say their personalities are very similar..

Shaun - Joe :Front men..jokers..
Andy - Kevin.. humble kinda people.. dry humor
Bradie - Nick.. caring of fans... crake a few jokes

Monday, January 10, 2011

How caring can one person be..

I'd just like to say hope all of the people in Queensland floods are alright!
Some messages from Short Stack to you guys:

Shaun Diviney: People in qld floods are in our thoughts... Devastating. Please donate if you can.

Bradie Webb: on a serious note : 'deepest condolences go out for flood victims', ' im thinking of you. im about to donate as well ', 'pull through!', ' hang in there. try to stay calm? :)', 'im not sure what to say. but i hope you try and have a nice day.'
And Bradie has been asking for a charity concert >> 'already asking about it :) '

No word fro Andy yet coz his a lazy bum...

These guys truely care.


Agree or WHAT!?

You know something thats always on my mind...

Why Bradie Webb is so so nice! He always makes sure his fans have a good time at their concerts, gets pictures with them and never says anything bad to ANYONE and if it is it's either a joke or to Andy! :P

Jonas Brothers

I love and i mean LOVE The Jonas Brothers. I loved them before Short Stack, Love them like Short Stack and more then them they will always be my #1! hate em look out and.. i consider Short Stack as auzzie Jonas Bros so pwned ! ;P